Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm no little mermaid.

I'm throwing this up as a chronicle of summer days with darling Josie.  This kid is really expressive and charming.  That's from her mother.  She's also silly and hyper-focused.  That's from her mother, too.  Today she's pooped three times.  I don't know where she gets that from.

My timing is impeccable, as the rest of the world condenses into Tweets, we're expanding to a blog.  Frankly, how could I cram all this into that little Facebook window?  The news of the day deserves to unfold and consume the proper attention.  For example: its Disney day, and so here is a short list of songs you would have heard sung at the top of my lungs:

"A Whale of a Tale" (2000 Leagues Under the Sea)
"I Wan'na Be Like You" (The Jungle Book)
"Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat" (The Aristocats)
"Be Our Guest" (Beauty and the Beast)
"A Whole New World" (The Little Mermaid)

Interpretive dances included:

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (Mary Poppins)
"Kiss the Girl" (Little Mermaid)
"Pretty Irish Girl" (Darby O'Gill and the Little People)
"Old Yeller" (Old Yeller) this wasn't my best idea

See how much richer your life has just become?    Right now, Josie is trying to eat my knee, I think she wants attention.  Hold on...

So, big news is that little Josephine has gotten verbose, and has broken onto the scene with the crowd-pleasing "Mama".  Sometimes, its "mama", sometimes "mamama" and sometimes it's just a plaintive "mamamamamamamamamama".  I've been asked if I am jealous because it isn't "dada".  As long she keeps giving those smiles, I don't care.   Plus, she just called the stuffed zebra "mama" so I'll stick with her original name for me, "Thhhhhhhbbbbbtttt".    

In other developmental news, she's in crawling position, and ready to move.   A little push and she'll be on her way.  The countdown to blast-off commences...

1 comment:

  1. I would have paid to see the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious interpretive dance!
